Novak Newsletter

Good Morning Novak Students and Families! 

It is a great day at Novak! Please review the information below.

Dates to Remember

  • November 3 - Northern Ilinois Visits Novak

  • November 6 - Early Dismissal at 2:18 PM

  • November 22 - 24 - No School for Students (Thanksgiving Break)

PBIS Focus - October/November

COURAGE: The quality of mind that allows one to face their fears with confidence and resolution.

The ability to face something that scares you to help yourself and others

A Courageous person: 

  • Stands up for what is right, and isn’t afraid to express his/her/their opinions

  • Isn’t afraid of failure and sets high goals

  • Tries new and different things in order to expand horizons

October we will explore how to build Moral Courage, Disciplined Courage, Intellectual Courage, and Empathetic Courage

Novak Dental Clinic

Champaign-Urbana Public Health District dental staff will be visiting Novak Academy on November 15. We will be providing preventive dental services (teeth cleaning, fluoride treatment, and sealants) to students who are uninsured or who have Medicaid/All Kids. Dental sealants are a very effective and painless way to prevent cavities! You can sign your child up by using the secure link below. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Sharice Bowdry at 217-352-4328 or CUPHD Dental Staff at 217-531-4279.

Link to form in English:

Link to form in Spanish:

Link to form in French:

Counselor News

This week during College and Career, we participated in a personality survey which led us to a variety of careers. Depending on the personality type, research has shown some personalities work well with certain careers. Feel free to check it out:

In addition, if your student is new to Novak or will be graduating this session, I will meet with them in a small group on a bi-weekly basis. For those who are graduating, we are actively making a plan for their post-secondary plans. For those who have just arrived at Novak, we are meeting to discuss previous lessons to help them gain a better understanding of themselves and what their future goals are.

If you have any questions, please give us a call at 217-352-4328. 

Best regards,

Christina Mables

Principal, Novak Academy